
Are you ready for 2016? A new chapter & a new contributor coming up!

Over the past 6 months I have tried to useĀ this blog as a platform to educate and inspire. Many people have asked the why’s and how’s of healthy living and since I enjoy reading about wellbeing I gathered information and brought to you what in my opinion was key for successfully managing your health.

There have been ups & downs, quiet periods (when life gets too busy) and active periods (when bloggingĀ once a week just wasn’t enough). There have been changes in the look and feel and format of the blog.

And yet there are more changes on the way! I’m working on rebranding the blog for next year and adding some more cool visuals. But we don’t have to wait for 2016 to see some exciting new things on Inspired by Miranda.


As the date has been set for my first ever fitness model competition (26th March in case you were wondering), you can expect to see more stories from my journey to the stage – the workouts, the foods, the mental prep.

And what better way to learn about fitness competing than giving you an insight from someone with a lot of experience (and I’m talking about 11 years of personal training) and knowledge – my own coach!

PleaseĀ join me in welcoming our new contributor – Adrianna McDonald.

See Adrianna in action on her Facebook page here

Adrianna is the perfect embodiment of what this blog stands for: with two kids and an impressive 7 competitions under her belt she knows what dedication, inspirationĀ and empowerment stand for.

Here’s a little bit of her story:

I have always been involved in fitness […]. However, after the birth of my second child and moving swiftly through my 30ā€™s I actually felt a void in achievement. Those around me had their weekly passions – cycling, running, golf, etc., but physical perfection appealed to me the most, purely because of the discipline you got to have.

I did not just want to be another Personal Trainer setting client goals – I wanted to set my own goals through body sculpture especially after having the bodily challenges of childbirth. I wanted to get my body in the best shape possible through what I love doing so I went down the path of actively training to compete.

Those first focused training sessions started 3 years ago. There may not have been blood, but with plenty of sweat and tears I have achieved more that I first thought possible.

Now that is truly a person who lives by the motto: “No excuses!”


I am truly very happy and excited to have Adrianna on board and you can expect to read some of her posts soon!