What to Expect

Nutrition advice can come in many shapes and sizes. Here’s what you can expect from choosing nutrition counselling with me.

Photo by Trang Doan on Pexels.com

My approach to nutrition is based on the functional medicine method, where each individual is viewed as a whole, with the aim of addressing the root cause of dysfunction and support healing at a cellular level.

We all know that food is energy in the form of calories. However, food is much more than that, food is information – and there are millions of molecules of information in every bite of food that you eat. These molecules come into your body, affect how your cells behave and how you feel.

Armen Nikogosian, MD IFMCP

As a clinical nutritionist, my goal is to address imbalances in the body by restoring function through food-focused holistic interventions. My clients and I work together to transform dysfunctioning bodily systems into optimal, functional health.

And all of that is done with a gentle, yet, systemic guidance. I always start by looking at the bigger picture and evaluating all body systems to help uncover the root cause of health challenges. To achieve this, all my clients go though an initial onboarding package, which includes:

  1. Compilation of intake forms
  2. One-to-one evaluation
  3. Interpretation of lab tests and intake forms
  4. Comprehensive personalised nutrition plan
  5. Dedicated time for plan review and troubleshooting

The onboarding process is thorough and comprehensive. It is a time investment for me and for you, a time investment in your health. And it pays off in the long-term because it allows me to formulate a plan that really works for YOU as an individual.

Each personalised nutrition plan includes:

  • Food guide
  • Shopping resources
  • Recipe suggestions
  • Supplement protocol
  • Lifestyle recommendations
  • Educational handouts

After we review the plan together and address any obstacles to its implementation, my clients and I meet every 4-6 weeks to make any adjustments and track progress. In between sessions, my clients have access to continuous support through my dedicated portal, so you’ll never feel alone!

Are you ready to heal & thrive? Book a free 15-minute discovery call today!