
Recipe: Breakfast Smoothie

By Adrianna McDonald

So many of us are in a rush in the morning, having just enough time to grab a coffee and leave the house without breakfast. Numerous studies prove that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Swap your morning coffee for this amazing smoothie and start the day the right way!

The best thing about it is that you can’t taste the spinach but you still get the benefits of its nutritious nature. This combination will keep you full for long and offers lots of energy making it perfect before workout as well.

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Let’s learn more about the ingredients:

  • 1 banana: It’s a versatile fruit that comprises many vitamins, including A, B, C and E, and minerals like potassium, zinc, iron and manganese.
  • 1 tbs goji berries: These are rich in antioxidants that boosts our immune system. They also help fight free radicals that contribute to cancer & ageing and are high in beta-carotene improving vision & prevents cataracts. Goji berries provide our bodies with vitamins B1, B2, B6 and E and contain another 22 minerals and 11 amino acids. They prevent and fight both fatigue and tiredness, reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and stimulate release of human growth hormone (anti-aging). And finally, goji berries are high in natural plant based protein and iron.
  • 3-4 cubes frozen spinach: Spinach is a low-calorie food yet very high in vitamins, minerals and other phytonutrients. Its packed with good-for-you nutrients, such as vitamin K, vitamin A, magnesium, folate, phosphorus, vitamin E, C, B3, B6 and potassium. It’s also a good source of protein and is loaded with flavonoids that protect the body from free radicals. Spinach helps prevent arthritis, osteoporosis, migraines, headaches and asthma and more.
  • 1 tbsp of peanut or almond butter: Nut butters are high in protein, fiber, healthy fats, potassium, magnesium and antioxidants. The list of good things about peanut butter just go on. One serving of peanut butter will give you at least 3 mg of the antioxidant vitamin E. Additionally, you will also get magnesium (about 49g) which is excellent for bone building and muscle recovery and a small but still important amount (0.17 mg) of vitamin B6 that will help boost your immunity.
  • 1 scoop of protein powder (vanilla flavor works best)
  • 1 gls of almond, coconut or other milk
  • Ice cubes

Put all the ingredients in the blender and watch it turn into a healthy, nutritious, fulfilling and most importantly delicious smoothie.

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